About Blackpool Symphony Orchestra
Blackpool Symphony Orchestra was founded by Percy Dayman in 1921. Our centenary celebrations had to be postponed due to the COVID lockdowns in 2020 and 2021 so we celebrated our centenary +1.
Under the leadership of our Music Director, Helen Harrison, who was appointed in 2011, the orchestra continues to grow in stature, extending its repertoire and developing performance standards.
We appointed a Composer in Residence, Edward Rugman, in 2013.
Our committee is keen to work in partnership with local schools, arts organisations and run educational outreach projects. Collaborations have included a conducting workshop with Hodgson Academy, programming an arrangement by a young composer and performing with pupils from Our Lady of the Assumption Primary School, Poulton People's Choir, Preston Opera and Musica Lirica.
Our members come from all over Lancashire and beyond. We also welcome young musicians, many of whom play with the Lancashire Schools Symphony Orchestra.
Soloists and Guests
Workshops and Masterclasses
We run a string day in January every year which is open to members and non-members and often invite professional string players to be a guest section leader and run a coaching session.
Our woodwind and horn section have had a masterclass sectionals with Tim Jackson.
Soloists and Guest Conductors
Our soloists have included former and current members of the orchestra who are working as professional musicians or peripatetic teachers, as well as students from the Royal Northern College of Music or young musicians who are in the process of applying to study Music.
COVID Lockdown
During the COVID lockdown Ed, together with his colleagues from Ten Forward Music Productions were instrumental in the production of our award winning virtual performance of Somewhere Over the Rainbow and other video projects, The Making of Over the Rainbow and Life on Pause.